Intentional: How To Pick Your WifeLife ‘Theme’ For The Best Year Ever!

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I was challenged to pick one word for the year that will help me become a happier wife. I chose the word, intentional.  Today I’m sharing why and how it has been working for me already.  Want to know how to pick your own ‘theme’ for the year so that it can put some pep in your step? Let’s go!

How to Choose a WifeLife THEME for your year to focus on what YOU want to accomplish while having fun in the process! Intentional!

I have to confess that I’ve been feeling very guilty for being so busy lately.  There’s been no intention, and I felt as if I’ve been just surviving most days.  As you read in my New Year’s confession, I got a grip on what makes me happy in my writing life (you – my WifeLife Sistas). I’ve discovered how to enjoy the rest of my WifeLife and actually meet important goals this year without being a stressed and grouchy Mama.

Pick a WifeLife theme for 2017!

I admit, I thought the whole concept was a little silly.  Over the weeks of January though, I’ve picked my theme word and have actually seen some progress.  I chose the word INTENTIONAL because it encompasses how I want to approach my life this year as a Wife, Mom, Homemaker, and Christian woman.

The older I get, the more aware I am of the frailty of life.  I realize how living each day abundantly should be number one.  Right?  In the busyness of life, however, us girls tend to forget this fact.  Before we know it, another month is gone.  Like, where did January go?

I’m challenging you to think of a word to help you reach your main goals are for the year.  What about getting out of debt or becoming a more connected parent?  Your theme could be a word like focus, perseverance, or determination.  You are free to use my word if it fits!

Intentional  adj., done with intention or purpose; intended:  Antonym:  accidental

Did you catch that, girlfriend?  The opposite of intentional is the word accidental.  Whoa – that got my attention.  Do I want to love my man, kids, Lord, and life accidentally?!  Heck, no!

How to Choose a WifeLife THEME for your year to focus on what YOU want to accomplish while having fun in the process! Intentional!

Intentional Wife

I’m trying to wake up each morning and intentionally think about how I can bless my man.  How can I be a blessing to him?  End of story.

Not making him pay for what he said or did yesterday with pouting or silent treatments.  I want to begin each morning with good thoughts of my life. I want to remember how awesome my perfectly imperfect man is. He loves God, is an awesome Father, makes me laugh and loves me for who I am. I want to be thankful to God for His blessings. I want to praise Him for my kids that walk in His truth.

We must start living today on its own and stop bringing our yesterdays into it.  Scripture says so. As women, we are so good at dragging that past along with us.  Let it go, sister.

If we aren’t intentional about really loving on our husbands, days can turn into weeks.  Weeks turn into months that turn into years, and the next thing you know, we’re just roommates.  Not on my watch. It’s time for us to get a grip on living abundantly today.

Each day of 2017, I’m trying to be an intentional Wife.

Intentional Mom

I’m trying to think about what comes out of my mouth to my teenager before I say it.  I can be a real Debbie downer sometimes. I tend to correct way too much of the time that we are together.  I’m trying to be intentional to balance out my correction and teaching with having fun.  It’s working!

It’s a little tougher to show my son and his wife lots of attention on a daily basis since they don’t live near us. I try to send a random text or card just to say how much they mean to me.  I’ve been asking myself daily, “If something happened to me … do they know how much I love them?”  I don’t want there to be any question.

Each day of 2017, I’m trying to be an intentional Mom.

Intentional Homemaker

I’m trying to practice what I preach in my previous articles about joy in wife life.  Even though I find more joy than ever being a homemaker, some days are overwhelming.  Those are the days I have not take for granted the life, family, and home that the Lord has blessed me with.

One thing that has helped me tremendously has been a to-do list each night listing what has to be done the next day.  JUST the next day and only about 5 things.  List the most important items first!

Each day of 2017, I’m trying to be an intentional Homemaker.


Intentional Christian Woman

I listed this one last because it affects every area of my life that I’ve mentioned above.  I am trying to intentionally make my time with the Lord a big priority.  If I begin each day with even a smidge of Bible study (like the app, First 5), my day is completely different than if I don’t.  I am able to keep my mind on eternal things and what’s important as I go throughout the day.

When I spend more time daily in prayer and study, I’m more able to deal with difficulties, watch my tongue (oh boy!), and keep my attitude in check.  Can I get an Amen?!  I can also get my mind off of myself and the poor me syndrome.  The needs of others are in the forefront of my mind instead of my own needs.

Each day of 2017, I’m trying to be an intentional Christian Woman

I chose intentional, which word do YOU choose?

I’d love to hear in the comments.

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Published on HuffPost, Okefenokee Living Magazine, and more, Shan is a Family Travel Journalist with a passion for helping women lose the overwhelm of planning family-friendly trips in the south. She shares travel reviews & insider secrets that Women REALLY want to know about Georgia, Florida, & the Carolinas vacations.

☕️ It’s THE REAL DEAL around here ☕️



    • Shan
      January 31, 2017 / 11:01 am

      Thank you, Belle! I’m excited about it.

  1. Shuaniqua
    February 1, 2017 / 10:50 am

    After that the word itself become very power if that makes since. I actually really enjoyed this and plan to do it myself.

    • Shan
      February 1, 2017 / 12:06 pm

      I DO understand! This makes my day, Shuaniqua. I’ll be thinking about and praying for your year!

  2. Fi Morrison
    February 1, 2017 / 5:12 pm

    I think this is such a great idea, and another group
    I’m in suggested doing the same thing… so my word was actually intentional as well (it was more business/blog related). But I love it as a whole life theme, and I particularly love how you left being intentional as a Christian woman last as it affects everything else. So true! I want to live my life intentionally this year too – not accidentally! Thanks for sharing this inspiring post at hump-day hype!

    • Shan
      February 2, 2017 / 11:52 am

      Thank you so much, Fi! It’s a GREAT word. Glad to know I’m not alone in this. Hugs sent your way.

  3. Suzy @ In the Lyons Den
    February 2, 2017 / 12:34 am

    So great to go into the year with purpose and direction. My word for 2017 is breathe. Running a business, kids and just general life can get very overwhelming sometimes and I need to sometimes step back and just breathe and know I can’t do everything. Here is to a great 2017!

    • Shan
      February 2, 2017 / 11:50 am

      Yay, Suzy! This makes my day that you are so wise to pick a word with so much power behind it. All of what you say is true and I’ll have to remember that word sometimes myself. God bless you!

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