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My motivation to lose weight the healthy way and our success in improving our health as a family is here. Even though our family had made healthier choices over the past year by knocking out processed foods, we were still tired, overweight, not exercising, and facing health concerns. Now it was more than just looking good, our health was at stake!
Something changed, though! Within the past month, the health of our family has improved dramatically! Want to know the secret?
What a difference a month makes! Before = unhealthy, lethargic, helpless, unmotivated, weary from failure, hopeless of real change. After = Healthy, Happy, Hopeful, Motivated, Energetic, Lively, Living Life to the Fullest!
From the beginning, I want to give all the praise and glory to the Lord for steering our family in the direction of a great kick-start to our health, metabolism, and nutrition in the help that we’ve been searching for. John 10:10 says that the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy but I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.
So far I’ve lost 18 pounds and 15 inches while the hubby has started his own 24-day plan and doing fantastic!
You see, our son Captain started working for a world-class nutrition company specializing in health and wellness, weight management, vibrant energy, and sports performance. The supplements are natural and have helped us fill in our nutritional gaps which in turn has helped us gain energy and stamina to want to exercise and make clean balanced food choices.
When he first mentioned to me that he was interested in this company, I was concerned that the supplements may be artificial and processed {things which I had been spending the last year trying to remove from our household). I began reading and reading {you know me, the researcher} and I was pleasantly surprised to find that all the products were of the highest quality and based solely on nutrition and not diet pills or fad diets.
These new supplements only enhance and magnify all of the Baby Steps to Healthier Living that I’ve been sharing with you over the past year. I had taken random vitamins here and there, not really knowing exactly what or how much was needed.
Obesity Help & Health Concerns
As friends, family, church members and readers started noticing my weight loss, the attention and conversations I’ve gotten have been quite surprising.
I had no idea that so many other families have also been in a long battle with food addictions, fatigue, health concerns, no energy to exercise, depression, and more. Along with becoming excited about the health and fitness of my own family, I have become very passionate about helping other families obtain the same. A type of health coach if you will…..
Passionate to help families get in the best health God has intended for them. Many local ladies have requested wanting to come walk, run and exercise with us. We are excited to help everyone we can!
Can’t Keep It To Myself
Immediately upon beginning a 24-day plan that Captain’s company suggested, I started feeling so wonderful that I could not keep it to myself. I wanted to also spur the motivation to lose weight and get healthy in others. I want to help them to not give up on finding true health and wellness for their own families. Here’s how it went down, social media style:
Day 1~ When thinking of the deep valley we sometimes find ourselves in, did you ever stop to think how rich and fertile the soil in a valley is? With God’s direction, we can take action by planting seeds that will allow us to climb out on those branches to Victory. #Godisourhelp
Day 7~ Crazy how ah-mazing feel after just one week into a 24-day plan that includes a simple cleanse, simple nutrition and nutritional supplements
Day 13~ Wonderful day with the fam. Feeling SO great today. It’s amazing how good it feels to actually WANT to exercise—5 days in a row. Actually “ran” today some. #thankuLord
Day 14~ I want to inspire people. I want people to look at me and say, “Because of you, I didn’t give up.”
Day 15~ STILL high on motivation to lose weight and feelin’ great on my challenge. Am I starving? No way!
Day 16~ God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8
Day 17~ 10.5 pds down this morning and WANTING to exercise full force today. So grateful to my son who shared his top-notch nutritional products with me. #amazed
Day 18~ Now that I have the energy and stamina to exercise outside, it is freezing. Ugghhh! Those who know me well, know that I don’t do cold. #doingitanyway
Day 19~ Feeling nothing short of extraordinary! 12 pounds down with energy galore & hubby starting day 1. Yay—gonna be a great day!

Day 20~ Our Salad Bar…..
Day 22~ 14.5 pounds down today with abundant energy.
Day 24~ It’s amazing how much difference just 15 pounds makes! #healthyliving

Day 25~ Workin’ out with the fam to Lecrae. Yes Captain, even DaddyO. #wondersnevacease
Day 26~ So proud of the hubs. Day 10 and he’s already down 12 pounds! His motivation to lose weight and get healthy is fierce! #HealthyFeelsGreat
Day 27~ Down 18 pounds & 15 inches. You can handle whatever comes your way today. Because the victory has already been won for you! Deut 20:1-4
Day 27~ There IS enough time today to graciously and effectively do what GOD wants me to do. #truth
Day 28~ My dream of being a runner is slowly but FINALLY becoming a reality #feelingfabUlous
Day 29~ Weather isn’t cooperating today for running so we are about to try some Yoga Ballet! Woot! #PEtime #healthyfeelsgood
Day 29~ Just Do what you need to do to get it done! #youhaveachoice

Day 30~ *Healthy * Hopeful * Hyper * Happy* The only weight that actually matters is that of your kettlebell. LOL

Day 31~ I don’t need easy. I just need possible. First homemade, WW pizza out of the oven and boy does it smell good! To all those who wonder if we are eating well (as we are losing weight)…uh …yeah!
Day 32~ Beginners, it’s normal for new things to take awhile. Don’t lose your motivation to lose weight and get healthy once and for all. You just gotta fight your way through. ~me Most excuses are rooted in fear. What’s your excuse? Get it done! #insanityworkoutwithhubs
Day 33~ Time to start living out of that comfort zone!

Day 34~ Cardio Power & Resistance = done! Woo, never sweat so much. Could never do “real” push-ups before but today I did 7! haha #insanity
This past month has not been about dieting! By adding in the supplementation at specific times, it helped me lose cravings for the addicting carbs and filled my body with nutrition so that I didn’t grab for chips or candy. The first four days were the hardest – but they went really fast! The 24-day trim challenge is what we did!

Let me help you find motivation to lose weight and get healthy too!
9/16/16 Update:
It’s been two years since I found the motivation to lose weight and had such success. We are still thankful that Advocare became a part of our lives back then and it still is today. There’s a new 10 Day to a Healthier Wife challenge that starts Tuesday, September 20th so subscribe so don’t miss out!
Thanks for sharing this… hopping from Titus 2sday link up! Heading to that website next!!
@PiperWONDERFUL Piper. It has been life changing for us. Please ask any questions that you like. I LOVE to help people easily get their health back on track!!!
Thank you for sharing your post on the HOmeAcre hop!
Congrats on your success!
Good luck on your journey. I love when people are more worried about their health instead of their weight. Great post!
I am super motivated by this post! I like that you write down something everyday I feel like it will help to keep me accountable!
Congrats on your weight loss success and for committing to improving the health of your family! Making change is not easy!
Congratulation and keep the motivating going.
A 24 day challenge is like the perfect length! Might have to try something like this! 🙂
Yeah!!! way to take control of your health! God honors that!
Congratulations on your weight loss journey! It’s amazing how fueling your body with the right foods, and keeping active makes a WORLD of difference.
that’s fantastic! you look amazing! what a lifestyle change for you and your husband
So proud of you. I love seeing (reading) people get healthy. So important
So wonderful! It’s amazing how in a country that focuses so much on looking healthy we forget how to be healthy. Thankful you found a way to be healthy and are singing it’s benefits.