Summer Health Journal #2 Of Fresh Hope-No Diets

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Last week, I made a new health plan and shared my first Summer health journal.  I invited you to join me if you need some fresh hope and not just another diet.

Instead of focusing on bad habits that need to be subtracted from our lives, I challenged myself and you to be on a mission to be intentional and add regular exercise, water, and sleep.  I promised to write a health journal each week and encouraged you to share your progress by commenting here, The How to Guru facebook page, or by tagging me with @thehowtoguru on Instagram.

Way too simple?

Well, let’s think about this….. Do you perform all three of these without fail, week in and week out?  I’ve been a health coach for many women and know that If you do exercise, drink water and get plenty of sleep every week, you are a rarity for sure.  When it comes down to it, most people struggle with sticking with healthy changes because practising the basics aren’t usually a part of the plan.

For this Mini Summer Health Challenge, we’re taking it slow and simple and focusing on getting the healthy basics right, for good!


Health Journal Week #1 Results

How did you do on the first week?   If you missed it, just make a fresh start with fresh hope and follow through each week.

I was intentional to drink more water most days and did a little better at getting to bed early, but I only worked out two of the three days I had intended. 

I loved trying out the C25K app and following the directions last Monday and Wednesday.  I really did well and then came the coughing and headache…..

I’ve been under the weather for the past couple days and my family made me stay on the couch or bed all weekend to get better.  They think I wasn’t fully recovered from the flu and they may be right since I can’t seem to take a deep breath without coughing.  Hitting the running at the beginning of the week probably didn’t help that fact.  

Although laying around is frustrating to me, I know it was good for my body.  I will take it easy still today since I’m still coughing but hopefully hit the C25K tomorrow.  Here’s this week’s plan.

Join me again?












Health Plan for Week #2


Water:  Let’s continue to be intentional to add a glass of water with every meal and snack.  Try your best to make the first thing that hits your lips a big glass of water.  You can drink plain or if you just hate it, squeeze some lemon or lime to flavor it.  This is a challenge for me but one that I am going to conquer this week. 

Exercise:  All we are focusing on is getting that heart rate up for 20-30 minutes for three days this week.  You can do this.  It doesn’t have to be complicated but rather can be anything you choose that leaves you a little breathless.  Make it fun, Sister.

Sleep:  I’ll admit, this is one that I have to work on.  Not only does my body {and yours} need plenty of sleep, it’s what I really need to do since the hubs is not a night owl.  My plan is to head to bed at a decent hour at least three nights this week.

Fruit:  Let’s make sure that we have at least one serving of fruit before lunch.  Why before lunch?  Just trust me, your body needs it and it will help you to add more after lunch in the future.  Let’s not get ahead of ourselves so just focus on this first step.  You eat it when you want, but I enjoy making fruit my mid-morning snack about two and a half hours after breakfast.  Make it something you can grab quickly like a banana, apple, grapes or pre-cut melons.

Fresh Hope for this week

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on,however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”

Be encouraged by this scripture from Hebrews 12.   A race metaphor is being used again like it was at the beginning of the chapter when it speaks of having endurance to run the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus who endured the cross.    

As believers, when we face trials and circumstances, we are not to let them get the best of us.  We need to catch that second wind and let it give us hope and endurance to carry on.

I will not be moved!  Will you?  When you feel fatigue or old thoughts creep in, think of this scripture and be renewed.

You can do this, friend.  Forget the past and move forward, asking your Father to keep your paths straight and give you that second wind to carry on.


Let me know how I can pray for you this week.



Published on HuffPost, Okefenokee Living Magazine, and more, Shan is a Family Travel Journalist with a passion for helping women lose the overwhelm of planning family-friendly trips in the south. She shares travel reviews & insider secrets that Women REALLY want to know about Georgia, Florida, & the Carolinas vacations.

☕️ It’s THE REAL DEAL around here ☕️

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