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Yep, I’ve got New Year’s Day confessions for ya today, friend. I absolutely love that a whole new year starts today because we have the chance for a fresh new outlook and start for the year ahead. What are your big hopes and dreams? For the love of all things holy, promise me that you won’t stop dreaming …..

New Year’s Day Confessions
“Blogging” and social media have been stressing me out. I was trying too hard to follow all the “blogging” rules and I was spending way too much time on social media. Superman and Princess were starting to complain that I had my head stuck in my laptop and my phone too much and to be honest, all of the rules were stealing my joy of writing anyway.
So what am I doing about it?
Interacting with you on The How-to Guru Facebook page and Instagram bring me so much joy but I walked away from all of my other accounts, especially my personal FB account. It’s been awesome! I won’t be “blogging” like I was before. Instead I’ll be writing for you, my wifey friends, and focusing on the fun tips YOU need without worrying about all the rules of blogging.
I’m bringing the fun back, y’all!
So there are my New Year’s Day confessions. I am tickled to pieces that you are here and I can’t wait to bring you more tips, travel help, and video to help you with the How-Tos of a more carefree and God-honoring life as wives!
You in, Sister?

Since it’s New Year’s Day 2017 (wow, it’s so weird saying that!) and there are many new wives here, I thought I’d share the top posts of 2016 below. I’d love to know in the comments which were your favorites?
I love your new outlook on blogging. I have spent way too much time researching the ‘right way to blog’ and have a neglected blog because of it. Writing is a form of therapy for me, so I hope to get back to it!