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This isn’t how it was supposed to turn out, is it?
The woman that you thought you would be at this stage of your life is active, strong, energetic, and really involved in the life of her family.
Instead, you’re unhealthy, tired, and defeated – just going through the motions, if you’re honest.
You’re struggling with guilt about all the failed attempts to get healthy and the fact that your family’s wellness is on your shoulders.
How do I know all this about you?
I was you not too long ago.
My Journey back to Health
I stayed in denial for a long time, trying to convince myself that we didn’t eat that badly. Deep down I knew that I was not living the energetic, abundant life that God had planned for me. I could barely run to the mailbox without getting winded, suffered from reflux, ate Tums daily, was 75 pounds overweight, and had no energy to make any type of consistent change.
I knew I needed to make healthier choices, to feed my family more nutritious meals, and to get my backside moving, but I was overwhelmed.
I thought, “If only I could just choose which diet bandwagon is the best one to jump on” …..
Paleo, No Carb, Grassfed, No grain, Low Carb, Weight Watchers, Atkins, Organic, Jenny Craig, Non-GMO…
Oh my, the confusion.
I did what I usually do when I get overwhelmed.
Absolutely. Nothing.
Then, I prayed.
Why did it take me so long?
I learned how to eat lots of whole, real foods cooked in a “cleaner” way that tasted great.
My fam started a Challenge that literally taught us how to eat the way God intended. It’s honestly so simple that I felt foolish for not figuring it out myself.
Superman, Princess, and I lost close to 100 pounds combined and gained vital energy that we had been missing. We’ve learned so much about clean eating and really tasting the food that God has given to us without all the fake stuff.
Life. is. Grand.
What does this have to with You?
I honestly want to help other women gain what I have. Life.
Ladies are constantly pouring out their hearts to me about how they want to do better with eating but feel stuck. They feel horrible but can’t seem to stick with anything and who has the time? If that sounds like you, there is hope.
I’ve finally won the battle with food and through lots of “test kitchen” days, figured out how fast and fun to quickly get healthy meals on the table consistently for your family. Since our original challenge, we have gotten a little lax with our schedule sooo…..
On Monday, October 20th, we’ll document our 28 days of Fit & Fab Fall Challenge with the transparency of what we face along the way with some Faith, Food, and Fitness for Fall, y’all.
We will sign the Fit & Fab Fall Vow to eat clean and follow the simple rules-taking it a week at a time. We hope you join us by signing it too.
Don’t worry, I won’t make you give up all your favorite foods, nor will we have to write down what we ate, count calories, points, or put our food on a scale.
Who has time for that?
What we will do is slowly build our Faith, a Clean Eating Recipe toolbox, and gain some Fitness goals together.
Oh yeah, and it’s free. After we get rolling for a couple weeks, I’ll tell you my fav supplements that will help you but they will be completely optional.
What do you have to do to join us?
If you’re looking for accountability and help to keep going, look no further than my amazing community. Everyone will be cheering for your success and will be here to hold you, me and themselves accountable, until we reach our goals together as Healthy Sistas.
I’m excited friend for you to jump start that sassy energy and feel like you again so you can live abundantly in Christ as the Woman God has truly called you to be.
Just sign the Fit & Fab Fall Vow and sign up for email updates over in the right column. You can also keep up via Instagram and Twitter, but definitely be sure to join the community at my Facebook page.
Remember to Like and Share today’s message, you never know who might really need to hear it.
Sign me up! And for a laugh, I like the part where you said, “then I prayed.” We have a joke in our family that when someone says, I think we ought to pray for this, my mom will reply, “has it come to this? Is it so bad that we actually need to pray?” It’s her funny way of saying, shouldn’t we have done that to start off with? 🙂
Love it Michelle! Glad you are here and joining. And yes, sometimes it takes me a while to see the very obvious that has been in front of my face the whole time. That happens a lot, actually. 🙂 🙂 🙂
I’m in with you! I’ve been watching what I’m eating already, but coming into this holiday season, it is good to have another support group.
I’m so tickled to have you and your friends. Yes, the holidays are harder for sure but we can do this.