Printable Christmas Gift List: How To Finally Keep Track Of It All This Year

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Wouldn’t it be nice to have a printable Christmas gift list to simply organize the Christmas gift ideas already bought, know who they were for, and what else needs to be bought?  At this point in the holiday season, I need a place to write Christmas gift ideas and then “check off” the Christmas presents that have actually been bought.  I also need a designated spot to “check off” which items on the Christmas gift list have been wrapped and which ones are hidden away somewhere in my bedroom closet!  Guess what?  I created an adorable printable Christmas list that will help to organize your holiday this year!

close up of tree and gifts for printable Christmas gift list


You see, years ago when money was VERY tight, this printable Christmas gift list was my lifeline to make sure that all those on my list were covered.

Back in the day, the hubs was in law enforcement and there was a whole lot more month than money.

Christmas is such a special time of year for children. Therefore, having an organized Christmas list for a frugal Christmas gift shopping list helps.

It helps to reduce stress levels by tracking essentials.

A Christmas gift list template keeps me from overspending as well. 

Since I’m able to clearly see at at glance what has already been taken care of, I don’t run around buying unnecessary filler gifts anymore. 

You know what I mean… you don’t think you have enough for Aunt Sally, so you buy one more little whatnot.

A master Christmas gift lift is really my best friend as the holiday starts to get insanely busy and I need a true gift tracker.  With super busy days, I would purchase gifts sporadically and then forget what I bought.

OK, it has happened. Please tell me I’m not the only one!

close up of tree and gifts for printable Christmas gift list


Here are a couple of popular Q&As about my gift list printable freebie…

Can I print the Christmas gift list in black and white or color?

This printable can be printed in color or black and white or grayscale just like any other printable product.  I prefer to print mine in color when possible because it is very festive that way.  However, if you are out of colored ink, the list looks lovely as a black and white version as well.

What if my list is longer than this printable?

With everyone in our extended family now, one page of this Christmas gift list template is never enough to fill in all the people and gifts.  I simply print another sheet and staple it to the top sheet.  I also use the back of the printable list to create a wish list for the kiddos before deciding exactly what to buy.


Now to the printable list I’ve been raving about. 

At the link, you’ll see a grayscale and color printing options. 

Click HERE to download your free printable (AND gain access to a secret vault of other helpful printables too because you’re awesome)!

table with printable Christmas gift list on it with decorations


You may still be in need of some unique, fun, but still practical Christmas gifts.  If so, check out these Christmas gift ideas!

Reduce Holiday Stress

Have a wonderful, stress free holiday season!


Published on HuffPost, Okefenokee Living Magazine, and more, Shan is a Family Travel Journalist with a passion for helping women lose the overwhelm of planning family-friendly trips in the south. She shares travel reviews & insider secrets that Women REALLY want to know about Georgia, Florida, & the Carolinas vacations.

☕️ It’s THE REAL DEAL around here ☕️


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